Suffragette City | Mind the Blog review
Excerpt from the Mind the Blog review for Suffragette City, London Pavilion.
The entire company is admirably committed to their roles, be they Suffragettes (Ariane Barnes, Natasha Langridge & Eleonora Russo), Interrogating Officers (Edward Andrews, Ralph Bogard & Padraig Lynch) or the Arresting Officer (Canavan Connolly).

Understandably the new experiences do start out as a bit of a giggle, as you know it is simply a re-creation, but once you’ve been forced to stand facing the wall in a darkened room whilst officers interrogate you and belittle your beliefs you definitely do get a flavour of what these courageous women must have gone through. It’s also quite inspiring to walk out of the London Pavilion with your comrades, holding banners and singing (or loudly shouting the familiar “VOTES FOR WOMEN!”) – it’s moments of unison like that which must have kept them going, throughout the imprisonments, force-feeding and misunderstanding from their families and neighbourhoods.
It’s definitely an experience to cherish and think over, as a reminder of how lucky we are to not have to fight for these basic rights. Terrifically performed, and something I thoroughly recommend you try for yourselves.
For the full review please go to Mind The Blog
Photo credit: Oskar Proctor