Beverley - A One Woman Show
Beverley was written, directed and produced by Natasha Langridge and was performed to sell-out audiences at theatre's during 1999 and 2000 including:
The Tristan Bates Theatre, Convent Garden, London
The Gilded Balloon, Edinburgh
The Post Office Theatre, London
The Komedia, Brighton
MAC, Birmingham
Komedia @ Southside, Edinburgh
Heroine Beverley exhibits a kind of Cinderella complex as she swaps broom, pumpkins and glass slippers for sex, drugs and all-night raves. She dreams of trips to the plastic surgeon and illustrious appearances in Hello! Magazine. Pills have lost their potency - where has it all gone wrong?
Running from her own questions, she finds herself at the bottom of a torrid relationship where the question, 'Why am I hitting him?' propels itself to the forefront of her mind. Losing her job gives way to unexpected mystical visions, taking her through the wrong door at the dole office to a surreal landscape of sensual magical fantasy.
Beverley was performed by Valerie Frances.
Photograph by Dave Hall